big tech

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babies shoes on top of wheat
If you’re in the UK you may know Bounty as the company that distribute packs of samples to pregnant women at midwife appointments. They’re also the ones that were found to have illegally shared the…
manos joven jugando consola
Se trata del primer caso en el mundo de ingreso hospitalario por adicción al popular juego. Su estudio clínico revela alteraciones del sueño, rechazo a las relaciones sociales, aislamiento y otros…
joven sacándose selfie

Esta semana, Facebook parece estar en el ojo de la tormenta. Una nueva entrega de la investigación que está publicando el…

logo de facebook
"A diferencia del resto de nuestra comunidad, estas personas pueden violar nuestros estándares sin ninguna consecuencia", ha relatado una fuente a Wall Street Journal


person in computer with eyes all around
Privacy-first companies call on lawmakers to ban surveillance-based advertising and protect people's privacy Recently, the Norwegian Consumer Council published a report calling for a ban on…
pantalla con icono whatsapp

WhatsApp deberá pagar 225 millones de euros por violar la privacidad de los usuarios y romper el Reglamento de Protección de Datos europeo. Así lo ha…

iphone-8-plus photo

In the recent past, there have been controversies surrounding the performance of iPhones, especially old iPhones.…

zoom logo
Regulator claims city officials are using a "legally highly problematic system"

A German data protection commissioner has officially warned Hamburg's Senate Chancellery to avoid using…

“Withdrawal” option biggest obstacle for compliance graphic
The activist that won Facebook in a EU trial will sue Telefónica and Renfe by bad use of the ‘cookies' among other 422 European web sites in 10 EU countries…
music notes different colors
Whether you're listening to workout music or a "cooking dinner" playlist, the app can show you ads based on your mood and what you're doing right now.

Facebook and Google are the web’s biggest…

Black trans face
Experience how "artificial intelligence" judges your face Start the show › Sources Language Use

This project…