Cura de dades

Procesos, protecció privacitat, implementar mesures seguretat

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phone with apps

Even the best phones come with bloatware, preinstalled apps that take up precious storage space. Here's how to remove them and speed up your device.

Bloatware doesn't sound pleasant, but…

Fawkes team

Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models.

Shawn Shan, Emily Wenger, Jiayun Zhang, Huiying Li, Haitao Zheng, and Ben Y. Zhao.

In Proceedings of…

Post original publicado aqui

Sobre el proyecto:

*English version available…

Gráfico de un lector de rss

Últimamente me he dado cuenta que las personas de mi alrededor no conocían la existencia de los feeds o RSS. Como…

Post original aqui

Global internet freedom is more important than ever before, but the current administration in the United…


Una herramienta realizada por la Red de periodistas feministas de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Ante la tecnoviolencia machista, periodismo feminista en red. Agradecemos los aportes de Florencia…

About Cypher Sex

Cypher Sex is a queer feminist collective aimed at empowering LGBTQ* people, women, and sex workers…