
LibriVox Objective To make all books in the public domain available, narrated by real people and distributed for free, in audio format on the internet. Our Fundamental Principles Librivox is a non-…
foto de  Cecilia Ribecco
En un futuro cercano tendremos más interacción con nuestros asistentes digitales que con otros humanos. Cecilia Ribecco nos invita a reflexionar sobre la desigualdad y los estereotipos presentes en…
poster with open call
Your feminist zine to Spreadzine! F(eminist)H(ack)M(eetings) invites you to send feminist zines to the presentation library, “Zinedisplayer”, of the SPREAD Zinefestival until 11th of September. In…
collage mujer tecnologa pidiendo recursos a aldea
Sentirnos, preguntarnos, implicarnos, escucharnos, [re]conocernos, vincularnos. La experiencia de acercarse a procesos-otros, ¿nos abre mundos de posibilidades? Nuestros entornos han cambiado de…
iphone-8-plus photo
In the recent past, there have been controversies surrounding the performance of iPhones, especially old iPhones. According to a recent report out of China, as long as you change the location to…
software interface
🧅 OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network.   Features and Functionality Your Private…
zoom logo
Regulator claims city officials are using a "legally highly problematic system" A German data protection commissioner has officially warned Hamburg's Senate Chancellery to avoid using Zoom as it is…
Foto de Pamela Palenciano (foto de CHRISTIAN GONZÁLEZ)
A la monologuista y activista Pamela Palenciano le van a hacer daño. Lo cierto es que ya llevan años haciéndoselo, pero va a ir a más. Quedáis avisados, compañeros, porque no os veo organizándoos…
texto con inidicaciones call4papers
El IV Congreso Internacional sobre Movimientos Sociales y TIC se celebrará en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla el 11 y 12 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2021 (de manera presencial…
software interface
Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF.   Dangerzone works like this: You give it a document that you don't know if you can trust (for…
“Withdrawal” option biggest obstacle for compliance graphic
The activist that won Facebook in a EU trial will sue Telefónica and Renfe by bad use of the ‘cookies' among other 422 European web sites in 10 EU countries…
music notes different colors
Whether you're listening to workout music or a "cooking dinner" playlist, the app can show you ads based on your mood and what you're doing right now. Facebook and Google are the web’s biggest…
Black trans face
Experience how "artificial intelligence" judges your face Start the show › Sources Language Use This project purposefully avoids using the word "Artificial Intelligence", since there is nothing…
logo FemDevs
Publicado por FemDevs en 27/07/2021 En los últimos años hemos presenciado como las denuncias de compañeres del sector de los videojuegos han acabado en una serie de investigaciones, reportajes y…
woman with computer
Women journalists face online violence simply for doing their jobs. These online attacks have very real consequences, both for the journalists themselves and for freedom of expression. They are…
Ministra de igualdad
El conjunto de medidas urgentes aprobadas hoy pretende mejorar la detección y acompañamiento de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género, además de poner el foco en la implicación de toda la…