big tech

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cellebrite case and cables

Cellebrite makes software to automate physically extracting and indexing data from mobile devices. They exist within the grey – where enterprise branding joins together with the larcenous to be…

three people with reclaim your face
The future must be ours to shape.

Facial recognition can and will be used against each of us by governments and corporations - based on who we are and what we look like.


The use of "invisible" tracking tech in emails is now "endemic", according to a messaging service that analysed its traffic at the BBC's request.

Hey's review indicated that two-…

mujer y aunicios en la web

En nuestro día a día, hacemos uso de heurísticas (atajos mentales que nos permiten tomar decisiones, resolver problemas y llegar a conclusiones más rápidamente)1

Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images: google logo with gender flag in oo

Dozens of advertisers instructed the company to not show their ads to people of “unknown” gender, meaning people who had not identified themselves as male or female…

google play alternatives

Google Play es guarda totes les apps que t'instal·les al teu mòbil. Ja sabem que Google fa perfils per fer publicitat i revèn/transfereix eixes dades a tercers amb fins lucratius o d'acord amb els…

girl with tik-tok on face

A 12-year-old girl is hoping to take legal action against video-sharing app TikTok, claiming the company uses children's data unlawfully.

A court has ruled the girl can remain…

Foto de carissa
"Hasta que no prohibamos el comercio con ellos no acabarán los abusos", defiende la autora de 'Privacy is Power', una guía sobre cómo recuperar el control de los datos personales…


Conversamos con Ekaitz Cancela y Aitor Jiménez, organizadores del ciclo 'Soberanía tecnológica: democracia, datos y gobernanza en la era digital'


Los investigadores…

La multinacional de la manzana ha llegado a un acuerdo extrajudicial con 33 estados que la acusaban de engaño. Es la segunda vez este año que Apple acuerda pagar una indemnización para evitar…