Registration is now open for an international conference at University College Dublin organised by the UCD Egalitarian World Initiative (EWI). The conference will open on the evening of Wednesday 5th May 2010, and will close at lunchtime on Friday 7th May 2010.

In the wake of the recent economic downturn we want to inform the debate about equality in a time of crisis through profiling developments in research and practice by renowned scholars on egalitarian and social justice themes internationally. This will be presented through a lively mix of keynote lectures, invited respondents and panel discussions. 

The conference will mark the end of the EWI Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Programme. It will also coincide with and mark the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of the UCD Equality Studies Centre, and the 5th Anniversary of the establishment of the UCD School of Social Justice.

There will be keynote lectures by:

Professor Sylvia Walby author of Globalization and Inequalities; Professor Richard Wilkinson co-author of The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better; Professor Martha Fineman (Emory University), author of The Autonomy Myth: A Theory of Dependency; Professor Andrew Sayer author of The Moral Significance of Class.

There will also be panel discussions on:

Economic Crisis and State Reaction: Implications for Equality, chaired by Vincent Browne; and Social Movements and the Response to the Economic Crisis.

For further information on the conference, including the programme, information on registration and practical information, please go to our conference web page: http://www.ucd.ie/ewi/mariecurie/conference.html

For queries please contact Richard O'Leary: richard [ punto ] olearyatucd [ punto ] ie (richard[dot]oleary[at]ucd[dot]ie)