3/4 September - DIY Feminist festival

The DIY Feminist festival is a weekend of workshops, debates and networking for feminists of all genders from all around the UK. One of the main themes is DIY politics and grass roots action. Anyone can and is encouraged to run their own workshops, discussions and events (whether about DIY politics or any other feminist issue) as part of the festival. Please get in touch if you would like to run something, there will be free slots for spontaneous workshops to take place too. The entire weekend will be free but we may be asking for donations to cover costs. The festival will be taking place on the 3rd and 4th of September, at the Platt Chapel. Children are welcome at the festival and workshops for children will be running alongside the main events. There will  be food and drinks available throughout the event. There are still a few slots free for if you would like to run a workshop, feel free to contact us. If you’d like to come let us know here.