25/26 Setembre - Bruxelles - Eclectic Tech Carnival

The Samedies in Brussels are inviting to an /ETC week-end.

More information regarding the Eclectic Tech Carnival

PROGRAMME (under construction)

Saturday 26

Location: Interface3

  • 09:30 Coffee + croissants
  • 10:00 Welcome + introductions
  • 11:00 Presentation of the Samedie project
  • 11:30 Workshop: Sox
  • 14:00 Lunch
  • 15:00 Workshop: IRC
  • 17:00 End

Location: Compilotheque, OKNO or ...

  • 19:00 Collective dinner preparations
  • 20:00 Kitchen presentation Seda Guerses
  • 22:00 Desert performance

Sunday 26 September

Location: Maison de la Paix

  • 09:30 Coffee + croissants
  • 10:00 Presentations, discussion
  • 10:30 Free Radio Women
  • 11:00 Scumgrrls 100% feminist energy
  • 11:30 tbc
  • 12:00 tbc
  • 12:30 tbc
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 Workshop: Magick! (scripting imagemagick)
  • 18:00 End
Sat, 25 Sep 2010 - Sun, 26 Sep 2010