Piksel07 - Festival 15-18/112007 (Noruega)

Piksel07…Hello hack­ab­il­ity

Piksel Fest­ival: Novem­ber 15–18 2007 & Piksel Exhib­i­tion: Nov 16 – Dec 16 2007

Piksel[1] is an inter­na­tional event for artists and developers work­ing with open source audi­ovisual soft­ware, hard­ware & art. Part work­shop, part fest­ival, it is organ­ised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Elec­tronic Arts (BEK) [2] and involves parti­cipants from more than a dozen coun­tries exchan­ging ideas, coding, present­ing art and soft­ware projects, doing work­shops, perform­ances and discus­sions on the aesthet­ics and polit­ics of FLOSS & art.

This years event – Piksel07 – contin­ues the explor­a­tion of free/libre and open source audi­ovisual code and it’s myriad of expres­sions, and also invest­ig­ates further the open hard­ware theme intro­duced at Piksel06.

The theme of Piksel07 – Hello hack­ab­il­ity! – celeb­rates hack­ab­il­ity as an essensial feature which allows for new artistic possib­il­it­ies in the use of open formats, free soft­ware and DIY hard­ware as creat­ive plat­forms.

Piksel07 is done in collab­or­a­tion with Gallery 3,14[3] which will host this years exhib­i­tion. Piksel is organ­ised by BEK and a community of core parti­cipants includ­ing members of collect­ives dyne.org, goto10.org, ap/xxxxx, hack­i­tec­tura.net, riereta.net, gephex.org and others.


WORK­SHOPS @ Teknik­erk­roen

CATkit – build your own 1-bit synth from scratch Build­ing tangible inter­faces with reacT­I­V­i­sion Open video edit­ing Trans­mit­ting Object Beha­vi­ors Ardu­ino + PureData = VJ !

EXHIB­I­TIONS @ Galleri 3,14, Lydgal­ler­iet & USF

Tim Vets (BE), Erki De Vries (BE), Ralph Kist­ler (DE/ES), Olle Corneer (SE),

Martin Lubcke (SE), Chris­tian Horgren (SE), Gregory Shakar (US), Paul Magee (UK), Daniel Pala­cios Jime­nez (BR/ES), Emanuel Andel (AT), Domi­n­ique Leroy (FR), Julien Ottavi (FR), Chris­tian Guet­zer (AT), Andrew Bucks­barg (US), Jean-Pierre Gauth­ier (CA), Caspere­lec­tron­ics (US), Gijs Gieskes (NL), Audun Eriksen (NO)



spec­u­lat­ive 12 hour life coding event (organ­ising hard­ware and soft­ware)

Jessica Rylan (US), Roman Kirschner (AT/DE), Otto Roessler (AT/DE), Jonathan Kemp (UK), Martin Howse (UK/DE), Yunchul Kim (KR/DE), Olaf Val (DE), Nancy Mauro-Flude (NL), Eva Verho­even (NL), Ludic Soci­ety (AT), Paolo Cirio (IT), Stew­art Home (UK), Alejandra Perez Nunez (ES), Bjorn Magnhil­doen (NO)

PRESENT­A­TIONS @ Teknik­erk­roen & Studi­oUSF

reacT­I­V­i­sion, CREATE USB Inter­face, dIY noise masks and toys, Circuit Bend­ing, ASNakedGene, xinf (is not flash), PortAu­dio, Time line OSC sequen­cer, PDVjTools, Jack­Bytes, tagr.tv, Distrib­uted Revi­sion Control with GIT, GISS + Theora Stream­ing Studio, beTV, David Cuart­i­elles, /etc/groups, FLOSS+Art/people.makeart, PD VjTools, Kaos a.k.a. Rosen­crantz and Guilden­stern in Hell

LIVE PERFORM­ANCES @ Teknik­erk­roen & Studi­oUSF

Lasse Marhaug (NO), Georg Holzmann (AT), Jan Carleklev (SE), Yves Degoyon (FR/ES), Alejandra Perez Nunez (CL/ES), Malte Steiner (DE), Zosen (AR/ES), Gisle Fr0ys­land (NO), Aymeric Mansoux (FR), Marloes de valk (NL), Tom Schouten (BE), Claude Heil­and-Allen (UK), Loud Objects (US), Mikmo (DK), caspere­lec­tron­ics (US), Gijs Gieskes (NL), Yes Robot (ES), A tie is a noose (NO), Kent­aro Fukut­chi (JP)

more info and complete programme: http://www.piksel.no/piksel07

[1] – http://www.piksel.no

[2] – http://www.bek.no

[3] – http://www.stif­telsen314.com