GEA Interim Conference 2010: Gender and Education. Diversity of Voices , 8 i 9 d’abril 2010 , Barcelona

GEA Interim Conference 2010: Gender and Education. Diversity of Voices 


8 i 9 d’abril 2010 

Universitat de Barcelona – UB, Esp. 

Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelona 


Conferenciantes principales: 


Judith Butler, Capitolina Diaz, Lídia Puigvert, Myria Vassiliadou, Gaby Weiner

Al Grupo de Mujeres de CREA: Safo (Universidad de Barcelona), con el apoyo de Gender and Education Association, le complace anunciarles la conferencia que tendrá lugar los días 8 y 9 de abril de 2010 en la Universidad de Barcelona.

Pueden enviarnos sus propuestas de resúmenes de comunicaciones hasta el 15 de febrero de 2010. Para más información pueden visitar nuestra página web , en ella se irán actualizando las últimas informaciones y detalles sobre el evento.

Ante cualquier pregunta no duden en escribirnos a: geaatub [ punto ] edu.


Call for papers

Abstracts should be approximately 350 words. Proposals must provide thematic group, full name, affiliation, phone, fax, email and address for all authors.Please submit your abstract by email directly to the conference e-mail: geaatub [ punto ] edu (gea[at]ub[dot]edu), before February 15, 2010.

Thematic groups:

  • Gender and Identities (Panel Session A)
  • Diversity within the Feminist movement: impact on education (Panel Session B)
  • Power and difference (Panel Session C)
  • Gender and Subject choices in education (Panel Session D)
  • Women groups in education (Panel Session E)
  • Gendered lives and histories (Panel Session F)
  • Breaking the silence: diversity of responses to violence against women in education (Panel Session G)
  • Giving voice to the voiceless (Panel Session H)
  • Other suggested topics will be considered. All disciplines within the field of education studies and social sciences are welcome.

You can download the call for papers in pdf format here: call for proposals.