The Vienna World-Expo From April 26 to May 15th 2008: Call for works

From April 26 to May 15th 2008 a special edition of the World Expo will take place in Vienna.
Its about taking position . A zone to counter, to challenge, to interfere - to trouble. Not only common inscriptions these term holds. For this occasion we are looking for artworks, fanzines, manifests, performances, internet-based projects, objects, documentaries and corporate presentations. Its an almost zero budget production, but try to make us laugh or cry or horny.
When the first EXPOs started they had the task to promote and produce fascination for new technologies as well as being a form od amusement. Disneylandesque places were built, accompanied later with corporate and national Pavilions, which were often enriched with artworks. These conveyed the notion of an almost folkloric competition, often to hide the subliminal message of all its recent editions: that the consumerist Neoliberal society is the only form which can generate democracy, liberty for individuals, as well as changing our way of living,nourish the hungry, foster the poor and also save the Planet.
Proposals, which tackle national representation and appropriate capitalist strategies in a subversive, intelligent or funny way, which question the role of art and economy, open and shift certain perspectives, will be considered for the exhibition.
The Vienna World-Expo will be hosted by
Open Space – Zentrum für Kunstprojekte in co-operation with
LABfactory (former office of the Viennese WORLD EXPO 1873).
Project-Curator: Alexander Nikolic.
Please enclose an artist statement, a text on why you've decided to propose your work.
images of the work (300dpi) as we'll produce a small folder.
artists CV
Deadline: 25th of March 2008
For any queries, feel free to get in touch:
At this stage we cannot guarantee that we will be able to return the works after the show.
more info visit: