invitació a participació European Feminist Forum

Donestech forma part del grup d'afinitat de dones i tecnologies de l'EFF, European Feminist Forum, que se celebrarà a Polònia el juny del 2008.

Aquí teniu l'invitació oficial a participar-hi i a col.laborar amb nosaltres en aquest grup d'afinitat.

Hi pots participar de moltes maneres:

  • escrivint articles en relació a les dones i tecnologies
  • informant dels teus audios i vídeos lliures perquè es pugin o linkin a la seva web
  • fent programes de ràdio
  • fent programes de tele
  • fent cançons
  • desenvolupant programari
  • fent fotos
  • fent vídeos
  • fent anàlisi
  • fent tallers de dones i tecnologies
  • documentant esdeveniments de dones i tecnologies
  • ajudant a l'organització del grup d'afinitat
  • fent "papeleos" del grup d'afinitat
  • fent mapes, cartografies o visualitzacions que representin informació relativa a dones i tecnologies
  • fent el que vulguis amb bones intencions...

Make the European “F” Forum your space online

Please, forward this newsletter to your network. Our apologies if

you’ve received this newsletter already.

The European “F” Forum builds an open and diverse dialogue, organizes

an energetic space for talking about women, and will make change

happen in Europe. It takes place on the web, and in real time

connection. Don’t miss the European “F” Forum in Poland,  13-15 June


Who dares to use the ‘F” word? We do! The European Feminist Forum is

about to shake Europe. Forget polite requests: we are going to stop

poverty, save the environment, make every European country a shared

geography for old and new Europeans. We will let women have control

over their own bodies and their own lives. It’s time to stop spending

on wars and to start investing in peace and security, starting at

home. We will make change happen.

There is a lot to do:

Women are having the best education but are not getting the best jobs

and are paid less than men for the same work. Women aren’t part of

the decision making structures. Refugee women and children live on

the streets. Our bodies are the subject of legislation, without our

permission. Europe can’t survive without women, but will not accept

women as full partners at a social, political or economic level.

Let’s meet!

We will make change happen together with you! Let’s meet at:

It’s about you!

Be part of the European “F” Forum. Join a group that is working on

something that interests you – we call them Affinity Groups - by

writing an email to the coordinator of the group. Join the European

“F” Forum discussion list to read messages from Europe-shakers, and

let them know what you are up to!

How? Go to:

Let’s rumble!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:

The European Feminist Forum secretariat

Obiplein 4, 1094 RB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

t+31 206651318, f +31 20 6655812 e-mail: infoateuropeanfeministforum [ punto ] org (info[at]europeanfeministforum[dot]org)