Març 2006: Naixement d'una nova plataforma de dones cientí­fiques a Europa

Àmbits Temàtics

New platform to bring together the voices of women scientists across Europe

[Date: 2006-03-08]

Supporting and assisting women working in science is not a particularly new phenomenon. In fact, there are many organisations and networks around Europe with this mandate. However, if the voices of women scientists are to be heard at European level, these networks need to work together, and to put forward their needs and observations in a succinct and coordinated fashion.

The European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) is to do exactly that. The platform is intended to provide a structural link between women scientists and policy makers. 'There has been progress, but there is still a lot to be done. We have to be very aware and constantly introducing the topic [of women in science] and giving a voice to women scientists,' says the Secretary General of EPWS, Maren Jochimsen.

For further information on the European Platform of Women Scientists, please visit: