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Title Last update
butlletí­ informatiu sin genero de dudas: difusió del qüestionari i projecte donestech
Bytes for All and P@SHA seeking proposals for projects in Pakistan
Ca la Dona , OFERTA DE FEINA: Tècnica de comunicació
Ca la dona busca tècnica de projectes
Ca la Dona. Convocatòria per a cobrir un lloc de treball remunerat.
Ca la dona: butlletí setmana 16
Cal reconèixer el valor social del programari lliure
Calafou > 11 al 16 de Octubre > Kunlabora, cooperativa efimera de projectes
Calala: 4 activistas nos hablan de la violencia en las redes sociales
Calala: Autocuidado físico, emocional y digital en tiempos de pandemia: prácticas y recursos
Calendario de Adviento homenajea a mujeres que hicieron historia en la informática
Call 4 Papers:The 7th European Feminist Research Conference Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge
Call de vídeos per Zemos98 i Metrópolis
Call for Abstracts on the Politics of Digital Media in the Balkans and the Middle East.
Call for articles on New Media, Net Art, Sound Art & Electro Music
Call for artists New Media
Call for Artists: LPM 2011: Live performers meeting in Rome
Call for Contributions to My Story: Gendered Access around the World Exhibition at Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) 2015
Call for Contributions: 5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT
Call for contributions: TRANS and INTERSEX MOVIE FILM FESTIVAL - Barcelona, JUNE 2009
Call for doctoral positions in distributed computing
Call for Entries / Mapping Festival 09
Call for Ideas - El Nuevo Rapto de Europa / a meeting for other Europas
Call for Papers American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS) ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), ISSN 2325-4165 (Online)
Call for Papers 6th International Conference on the Philosophy of Computer Games: The Nature of Player Experience
Call for papers Comunicación y Migración Revista Chasqui
Call for papers número 14 de nuestra revista Feminismo/s
Call for papers on citizens’ media and communication
Call for papers on Community Radio. Networks, identities and experiences
Call for Papers: Género y nuevas tecnologías. Centro de Estudios sobre la Mujer de la Universidad de Alicante
Call For Papers: "Queering Anarchism"
Call for papers: "Transmedia Literacy. From Storytelling to Intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship"
Call for papers: Amber conference
Call for papers: Challenges of the International Mobility of the Highly Skilled in the XXI Century