SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM-deadline extension March 23rd



CALL FOR CONTRI­BU­TIONS -*dead­line for applic­a­tions has been exten­ded to


Post-gradu­ate Research Event

London College of Commu­nic­a­tion, Univer­sity of the Arts London. May 17th 2012

We invite submis­sions for 10 minute contri­bu­tions relat­ing to aspects of research in the context of sound, in its vari­ous creat­ive and theor­et­ical forms, and gender.This is an open call and we welcome responses from all relev­ant discip­lines and will accept a vari­ety of formats from short academic present­a­tions to more exper­i­ment­alcon­tri­bu­tions.

We are look­ing to share research with a view to estab­lish­ing a network ofresearch­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers work­ing in these areas. The final format of the eventwill be gener­ated around the contri­bu­tions received.

Please send expres­sions of interest, includ­ing the theme, topic and format of your­p­resent­a­tion, of around 100 words and a short biography of no more than 100 words by*March 23rd* 2012to­sound­art­sev­entatcrisap [ punto ] org (2012to­sound­art­sev­ent[at]crisap[dot]org)­art­sev­

suppor­ted by CRiS­AP

This event follows on from?Her Noise Archive Symposium

3–5 May 2012 Tate Modern

 A three day event invest­ig­at­ing femin­ist discourses in sound, launch­ing with  aper­form­ance and talk by Pauline Oliv­eros. The symposium, which brings togeth­er­con­tri­bu­tions by lead­ing artists, performers, theor­eti­cians and writers aims  to provide a plat­form to further develop these emer­gent femin­ist discourses in  sound and music, with an emphasis on tactics that chal­lenge and / or infilt­rate  canon­ical read­ings. The event marks the dona­tion of the Her Noise Archive to  Univer­sity of theArts London Archives and Special Collec­tions housed at London College ofCom­mu­nic­a­tion, and is real­ised as a collab­or­a­tion between CRiSAP (Creat­ive Researchin Sound Arts Prac­tice), Elec­tra and Tate.