Sound and Genre in film and television


Special issue of MedieKul­tur. Journal of media and commu­nic­a­tion research.

Edit­ors: Nicolai Jørgens­gaard Graakjær and Birger Langkjær

Submis­sion dead­line: August 15, 2009.

Public­a­tion date: Spring 2010.

The ques­tion of genre plays a cent­ral role in film and media stud­ies. In this issue we would like to invest­ig­ate how genres sound: Is there a recur­rent use of music and sound effects in differ­ent genres, or can we say that each genre has defin­ing audit­ory moments or sound signa­tures? Jingles in commer­cials, laugh tracks in tele­vi­sion comed­ies and the symphonic scores for melo­dra­mas may count as well known examples. We invite papers that take differ­ent approaches to the use of sound and music in all kinds of genres. In addi­tion to indi­vidual films, tele­vi­sion programmes, and specific formats, we would also be inter­ested in articles that address sound as part of the over­all tele­vi­sion flow.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• Tele­vi­sion programme signa­tures, commer­cials, film trail­ers and other short forms

• Sound and music in film genres and seri­al­ised fiction

• Sound and music in non-fiction, such as docu­ment­ar­ies, news programmes and real­ity tele­vi­sion

• Sound and music in enter­tain­ment programmes



For more details, please contact editor-in-chief, Birger Langkjær, bilangathum [ punto ] ku [ punto ] dk (bilang[at]hum[dot]ku[dot]dk.).

For mere details on the journal and how to submit, please consult http://ojs.stats­bib­li­­tur/inform­a­tion/authors