Registration Now Open// 5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT

  Betreff: European Gender and ICT March 2009  - Regis­tra­tion

  *Regis­tra­tion Now Open*

  5th European Symposium on Gender & ICT

  “Digital Cultures: Parti­cip­a­tion—Em­power­ment—­Di­versity”

  *Early Bird Regis­tra­tion ends Januar 5, 2009*

  Regis­tra­tion is now open for the 5th European Symposium on Gender &

  ICT: March 5 – 7 2009, Univer­sity of Bremen, Germany. To register   for the confer­ence please consult:

Prelim­in­ary program

The prelim­in­ary program has been posted. The confer­ence includes 13 paper sessions in 3 paral­lel streams, a poster session, a research exhibit, and a pre-confer­ence work­shop. For more inform­a­tion please   consult:


  Lucy Such­man: Lancaster Univer­sity, UK, and MIT, Boston, US

  Tanja Paul­itz: Univer­sity of Graz, Austria

  Chat Garcia Ramilo: APC, Manila, Phil­ip­pines

  Pre-confer­ence work­shop

  IT Expert­ise in Industry – Build­ing a Better Model Integ­rat­ing  Women’s Poten­tials

  Claudia Morrell: Exec­ut­ive Director Mary­land Women in Tech­no­logy, Baltimore, MD, USA

  About the European Symposium on Gender & ICT

Inform­a­tion Soci­ety with its vari­ety of new inform­a­tion and commu­nic­a­tion media offers many new options to parti­cip­ate in today’s social, cultural, polit­ical and economic activ­it­ies.

However, chances are still distrib­uted unequally, e.g. by class, ethni­city, age—and by gender. Access to and the abil­ity to use inform­a­tion and commu­nic­a­tion tech­no­logy (ICT) are neces­sary prerequis­ites for parti­cip­a­tion. On top of this, involve­ment in ICT design is a highly pres­ti­gi­ous activ­ity.

 On the 5th European Gender and ICT Symposium we will take a closer look at the complex inter­de­pend­ence between gender and ICT. We will explore ways to increase appre­ci­ation of diversity in design and use and to strengthen empower­ment and parti­cip­a­tion by means of ICT. This Confer­ence, the fifth in a row of sympo­sia held in Europe since  2003, tradi­tion­ally provides a meet­ing point for research­ers from  vari­ous discip­lines and research schools deal­ing with gender and ICT.


  gictatinform­atik [ punto ] uni-bremen [ punto ] de (gict[at]inform­atik[dot]uni-bremen[dot]de)

  Program chairs

  Prof. Dr. Susanne Maass, Prof. Dr. Heidi Schel­howe

  Confer­ence organ­isa­tion

  Maike Hecht, Carola Schirmer, Bettina Rabe, Marlott Hederich,

  Susanne Maass, Heidi Schel­howe

  Univer­sity of Bremen

  Depart­ment of Computer Science

  Post­box 330 440

  28334 Bremen, Germany

Phone (49) 421—218 64390