[QUING] summer course on intersectionality

Summer Course on Femin­ist Inter­sec­tion­al­ity and Polit­ical Discourse

Cent­ral European Univer­sity, Budapest, Hungary (July 5–9, 2010)

The concept of inter­sec­tion­al­ity has been attract­ing grow­ing atten­tion in

recent years for its theor­et­ical, meth­od­o­lo­gical, and prac­tical value in

under­stand­ing multiple inequal­it­ies. Increas­ingly, debates on

inter­sec­tion­al­ity are present beyond femin­ist theor­iz­ing. They have emerged

in crit­ical policy stud­ies, social move­ment research, analyses of polit­ical

discourse and policy fram­ing, research on insti­tu­tions, and in legal

research. The notion of multiple inequal­it­ies is also used, to an

ever-grow­ing extent, to inform policy and legal prac­tice. This course aims

not only to unpack pertin­ent theor­et­ical and concep­tual debates, but also to

link theor­et­ical think­ing to doing inter­sec­tional research in an

increas­ingly inter­sec­tion­al­ized policy envir­on­ment. The course will explore

inter­sec­tion­al­ity and: compar­at­ive approaches, devel­op­ing stand­ards of

meas­ure­ment, under­stand­ing insti­tu­tional change, and discurs­ive shifts from

a homo­gen­ous gender category to one that is embed­ded in a complex web of

multiple inequal­it­ies.

The course is aimed at advanced PhD students or postdoc­toral research­ers

work­ing in the fields of Gender Stud­ies, Soci­ology, Polit­ical Science,

Policy Stud­ies, Law, or related subjects. Ideal applic­ants will have had

some previ­ous engage­ment with the topic of inter­sec­tion­al­ity. Accep­ted

parti­cipants will be required to submit a piece of writ­ten work for

discus­sion during the course.

Course Direct­ors:

Andrea Kriz­san, Center for Policy Stud­ies, Cent­ral European Univer­sity,

Hungary Mieke Verloo, Polit­ical Science Depart­ment, Radboud Univer­sity,



Myra Marx Ferree, Depart­ment of Women Stud­ies, Univer­sity of

Wiscon­sin-Madison, USA Raluca Popa, Depart­ment of Gender Stud­ies, Cent­ral

European Univer­sity, Hungary Viol­etta Zentai, Center for Policy Stud­ies,

Cent­ral European Univer­sity, Hungary

Detailed inform­a­tion about the course and the applic­a­tion proced­ure can be

found at http://www.summer.ceu.hu/femin­ist.

Applic­a­tion dead­line: Febru­ary 15, 2010.