\o. backbone409 .o/ June 14–15 2014, Calafou, Barcelona

A gath­er­ing of projects actively build­ing infra­struc­tures for a free Inter­net from an anti-capit­al­ist point of view: autonom­ous serv­ers, open networks, online services, plat­forms, open hard­ware, free soft­ware, etc.

Read our call to learn more about our proposal.

Check out the list of topics we want to explore.

If you are inter­ested in coming, please answer those few ques­tions so we can build a list of parti­cipants and struc­ture the content accord­ingly.

Why “Back­bone 409”?


ALL THE INFO > http://back­bone409.cala­fou.org/call/index.en.html