ISEA 2008. Call for papers. Singapure.

Call for Papers, Panels and Artist Present­a­tions

We cordi­ally invite submis­sions to the confer­ence of the Inter­na­tional Symposium on Elec­tronic Art 2008 that will be held in Singa­pore between 25th & 30th July 2008. The confer­ence is held along­side work­shops, courses, exhib­i­tions, perform­ances and other in-conjunc­tion events that will be held for the dura­tion of ISEA2008 from 25th July to August 3rd 2008.

The confer­ence, as in previ­ous ISEAs, is expec­ted to bring together artists, theor­ists, histor­i­ans, curat­ors and research­ers of media arts from around the world to jointly explore the most urgent and excit­ing ques­tions in the field. The five themes of ISEA2008 are espe­cially focused on elicit­ing a wide range of inter­na­tional schol­ars and artists.

Confer­ence Programme

The confer­ence programme will include compet­it­ively selec­ted, peer-reviewed indi­vidual papers and panel present­a­tions. This year we are also encour­aging artists who wish to share their works with a broader audi­ence of their peers to submit artist present­a­tions where they can speak about the specific aesthetic, concep­tual and tech­no­lo­gical aspects of their works. The confer­ence also prom­ises to present a list of inter­na­tion­ally renowned Keynote Speak­ers expound­ing on the major themes of the confer­ence. There will also be a special lecture delivered by a Nobel Laur­eate.

Call for Propos­als

We welcome contri­bu­tions from creat­ive prac­ti­tion­ers and research­ers from a vari­ety of discip­lines and insti­tu­tional contexts as media arts bene­fits from and exem­pli­fies the inter­dis­cip­lin­ary link­ages between contem­por­ary art, science, tech­no­logy and their related philo­sophies, pedago­gies and insti­tu­tional prac­tices. The submis­sions must address or be of relev­ance to at least one of the themes of ISEA2008 in order to be considered for inclu­sion in the confer­ence. The confer­ence will be of interest to those work­ing in but not limited to the follow­ing areas: media art, contem­por­ary art, design, art history and theory, film and media stud­ies, gaming, toy design, human-computer inter­ac­tion, cultural stud­ies, liter­ary stud­ies, musi­co­logy, sound stud­ies, theatre, dance and perform­ance stud­ies, science, tech­no­logy and soci­ety stud­ies, history of science and history of tech­no­logy, philo­sophy, history, gender stud­ies, polit­ical science,

anthro­po­logy, soci­ology and geography.


Submis­sion period: 15th July – 30th of Novem­ber 2007.

Submis­sion link

Submis­sion require­ments:

We only require abstracts (not more than 300 words) of the proposed paper, panel present­a­tions and artist present­a­tions to be submit­ted in either Text, RTF, Word or PDF formats via this site. Please do not submit full papers at this stage. While we encour­age submis­sions to include relev­ant images, it would be useful if the formats in which such images are submit­ted is restric­ted to low resol­u­tion jpegs. In the case of submis­sions for artists’ present­a­tions, artists are encour­aged to provide links to their and/or relev­ant websites.

The dead­line for the submis­sions for the call for papers is 14th of Novem­ber 2007, but we will accept submis­sions sent till 30th of Novem­ber 2007.


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