"Google Art, or How to Hack Google"

In an inform­a­tion-based age, the abil­ity to search and organ­ize inform­a­tion amounts to power. Search engines shape know­ledge, modu­late web traffic, and contrib­ute to the creation of new semantics and mean­ings. Currently, Google’s influ­ence is unpar­alleled. “Google Art, or How to Hack Google” is an online show that aims to illu­min­ate and critique the influ­ence of this expand­ing online insti­tu­tion. Together, the projects elev­ate and critique Google’s logic, while recog­niz­ing its own deep­en­ing rela­tion­ship with our culture, beha­vior and lives.


“Google Art, or How to Hack Google” is an online show curated by Ana Otero for Rhizome, the online plat­form focus on artistic prac­tices that engage tech­no­logy affil­i­ated with the New Museum of Contem­por­ary Art in NYC.