Future Ethics: seeking gender perspectives on the impact of climate change

Future Ethics is a work­shop series on climate change, polit­ical action and the future of the human.
It invites collab­or­a­tion between academ­ics, policy special­ists, activ­ists, campaign­ers, educat­ors, community work­ers. Parti­cipants are encour­aged to offer not only altern­at­ive discourses and theor­ies but exper­i­ence of prac­tices related to taking action on climate change. 
The next work­shop, no. 2,  is in Manchester on 19th Septem­ber and the title is 'What Price Secur­ity? New Issues in the Ethics of Risk’. It will cover topics such as food secur­ity, popu­la­tion, resource manage­ment, conflict, nuclear energy and peak oil.
The line-up so far is lack­ing in perspect­ives from women and from refugees; the issue of the impact of climate change and developed world 'secur­ity’ agen­das on asylum seekers and refugees is one of the main aspects of work­shop 2. Any issues around policy, gender inequal­ity, immig­ra­tion, food secur­ity etc. very welcome, and direct exper­i­ence of the link between asylum, climate change, refugee status etc. would be amaz­ing. 
Full details and a nice poster at www.manchester.ac.uk/futur­eeth­ics 
Please contact stefan [ punto ] skrim­shireatmanchester [ punto ] ac [ punto ] uk (stefan[dot]skrim­shire[at]manchester[dot]ac[dot]uk) as soon as possible if you’d like to register and/or offer a starter paper.