Chaos Computer Club, Berlin

What's the idea behind "(WOMEN ONLY)" lectures? We thought the whole idea of the 21st century was to STOP sexual discrimination, and now you ACTIVELY PROMOTE it?

There are no "lectures" in the official programme for women only. However, 3 workshops in the self-organized workshop area organized by the Hacksen (a group of women and girls in the CCC) deal with female experience in the computing world and the organizers chose to make those open for women only. We trust you to find something else to attend, maybe going to one of the 98.12% of all events that are not for women only. However, we thank you for your concern regarding gender equality at the congress. We welcome your suggestions to overcome the fact that 81.8% of all speakers at 23C3 are male. This is definitely something where we could need your help as a concerned participant.


What is wrong in having 81.8% of all speakers at the 23C3 being male?

Everything. There are lots more women here at 23c3 than I have seen before. 24c3 needs to have at least 30% female speakers (the women selling T-Shirts don't count!)

This is an answer, but not a satisfying one.

The problem is in discrimination based on bogus criteria, not on there being significantly less attendants of a certain gender, race, viewpoint, etc.

Gender is not always bogus criteria - this is perhaps the case in the women only lectures, though I doubt it. Despite this, I think that people have a right to place arbitary restrictions on private events they control, even if they are incorrect.

I suggest that placing arbitary targets for the number of speakers of a certain gender is the wrong way to encourage more of such gender to attend. Indeed, it seems to almost patronize, as if they cannot prove their worth through criteria that matter.

Actually, the problem is usually that those searching for speakers only think of their immediate circle of friends, who happen to be very similar to them. Setting quota goals (even if there are no sanctions) helps encourage such people to think harder, and to actively search for more of the minority.

I am a woman and sick and tired of all the excuses why there is no equal representation.
We are geeks, too, and want to be accepted as such. Maybe there should be an all-women-speaker XC3 :)

I was happy to see more women (and some kids!) at 23c3 - so maybe 24c3 needs to sort out child care,
and then more women will attend, get to know people, and be considered as speakers for 25c3.

See also perhaps for some hints & ideas on the gender imbalance in the hacking community.