CFP:::2d Computer Art Conference

CAC.2: Computer Art Congress

Emer­ging forms of computer art: making the digital sense

March 26, 27, 28, 2008 – Mexico City, Mexico

Organ­ised by:

The Para­graphe Lab, Univer­sity of Paris VIII (France), the Monter­rey Tech Campus Toluca and Campus Estado de México (Mexico), and Europia Produc­tions organ­ize the 2nd. edition of Computer Art Congress.

Call for Papers and Art Works

The first CAC’2002 observed that the origins of Computer Art (CA) are to be found in the fields of Art and Sciences. This dual­ity has greatly delayed its recog­ni­tion. Today, we are witness­ing the emer­gence of a multidiscip­lin­ary community which has been spurred on by the advanced computer sciences. Members of this community share certain “concep­tions” related to Visual Art in general and to Computer Art in partic­u­lar.

Nowadays, six years later, we witness an enlarge­ment of Computer Art bound­ar­ies mainly led by its unusual devel­op­ment. Distance between Art and Science has narrowed to the point that CA looks to be quite an inde­pend­ent and autonom­ous field starving to reach its matur­ity. From this perspect­ive, CA cannot evolve separ­ately from the IT devel­op­ment strategy. Today, along with digital content produc­tion, which is in some meas­ure produced accord­ingly to collect­ive intel­li­gence schemes, we also observe emer­ging forms of CA that strive to develop new ways to inter­act with digital content, new arte­facts that repur­pose digital content and new paradigms that aim to make sense of CA.

In this manner, several ques­tions need to be posed and analysed:

* Does CA have its own iden­tity? If yes, what about it?

* Does CA belong to the Art universe? If yes, how to situ­ate it?

* Does CA belong to the digital universe? If yes, how does it fit-in?


CAC’08, has chosen Mexico, to call artists, authors, creat­ors, distrib­ut­ors, instruct­ors, invent­ors, journ­al­ists, managers, produ­cers,

scient­ists and tech­no­lo­gists, concerned by those emer­ging artistic and tech­no­lo­gical forms, contrib­ut­ing, collab­or­at­ing and exchan­ging

their art-works, exper­i­ences, know-how, know­ledge and visions on the “digital” Art.

The Computer Art Congress endeav­ours to be a common forum for exchange between Artists, Research­ers, and Tech­no­lo­gists involved

in this artistic area. The topics of the congress were chosen to estab­lish a multi-discip­lin­ary envir­on­ment for parti­cipants from several

back­grounds, to discuss how computer/media/network art can take its own place in the art.


The scope of the confer­ence includes, but is not limited to, the follow­ing major topics:

 * Aesthet­ics of Computer Art

 * Anim­a­tion and Computer Art

 * Algorithmic Art

 * Collab­or­at­ive Art

 * Computer Art and art

 * Computer Art and non-linear culture

 * Computer Art and video games

 * Color in Computer Art

 * Digital Games Art

 * Global Culture

 * History of Computer Art

 * Inter­act­ive Computer Art

 * Linguistic and Computer Art

 * Music in Computer Art

 * New forms of Computer Art

 * Networked Art

 * Online Computer Art

 * Epistem­o­logy of Computer Art


 * Plen­ary (keynote) present­a­tions

 * Panels and roundtables

 * Work­shops and tutori­als

 * Exhib­i­tions, demon­stra­tions and posters

 * Commu­nic­a­tions and article present­a­tions

 * Corpor­ate show­cases

 * Corpor­ate stands

Authors and artists inter­ested may submit a 3-page proposal. To send a proposal, consider these specific­a­tions:

 * Text: Arial, 12 pts.

 * Accep­ted file formats: RTF, DOC (Verify that the file name only contains alpha­nu­meric char­ac­ters).

 * For digital artwork: send a descrip­tion of your work and ask for an account to upload your work via FTP

All proposal must be sent to ever­ardo [ punto ] reyesatitesm [ punto ] mx (ever­ardo[dot]reyes[at]itesm[dot]mx).

Please include the submis­sion form into your proposal, which can be down­loaded on the confer­ence website:


Scientific Advis­ory Board

 * Pau Alsina, Open Univer­sity of Cata­lonia, Spain

 * Roy Ascott, Univer­sity of Plymouth, UK

 * Jean Pierre Balpe, Univer­sity of Paris VIII, France

 * Reza Beheshti, TUDLFT, The Neth­er­lands

 * Maurice Benayoun, CiTu, France

 * Jay D. Bolter, Geor­gia Tech, USA

 * Pierre Boulanger, Univer­sity of Alberta, Canada

 * Ron Burnett, Emily Carr Insti­tute of Art + Design, Vancouver, Canada

 * Moraima Camp­bell, ITESM Campus Monter­rey, Mexico

 * Maricruz Castro Ricalde, ITESM Campus Toluca, Mexico

 * Giovani De Paoli, Univer­sity of Montreal, Canada

 * Ken Fried­man, Norwe­gian School of Manage­ment, Norway, and Design School, Denmark

 * Octa­vio Islas, ITESM Campus Estado de México, Mexico

 * Chris­tian Jacquemin, CNRS-LIMSI and Univer­sity of Paris XI, France

 * Thomas Line­han, Insti­tute for Inter­act­ive Arts and Engin­eer­ing, The Univer­sity of Texas at Dallas, USA

 * Roger Malina, CNRS, France and Leonardo, USA

 * Lev Manovich, Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, San Diego, USA

 * Stuart Moulthrop, School of Inform­a­tion Arts and Tech­no­logy, Univer­sity of Baltimore, USA

 * Phil­ippe Quéau, UNESCO

 * Ever­ardo Reyes García, ITESM Campus Toluca, Mexico (CAC.2 Local Chair)

 * Fran­cis Rousseaux, IRCAM, France

 * Imad Saleh, Univer­sity of Paris VIII, France

 * Khal­doun Zreik, Univer­sity of Paris VIII, France (CAC General Chair)

Organ­iz­ing Commit­tee

 * Adri­ana Facha Madrigal, ITESM Campus Estado de México, Mexico

 * Fernando Gutiér­rez, ITESM Campus Estado de México, Mexico

 * Héctor Padilla, ITESM Campus Guadala­jara, Mexico

 * Ever­ardo Reyes García, ITESM Campus Toluca, Mexico (CAC Local Chair)


The congress’ main loca­tion will take place at the Monter­rey Tech Campus Toluca and Campus Estado de México facil­it­ies in Mexico City and Toluca City, respect­ively. Exhib­i­tion spaces will be held at import­ant museums both in Mexico City and Toluca City.


 * First Call for papers: Septem­ber 10, 2007

 * Second Call for papers: Octo­ber 15, 2007

 * Last Call for papers: Novem­ber 10, 2007

 * Submis­sions: Decem­ber 31, 2007

 * Author’s noti­fic­a­tion: Janu­ary 19, 2007

 * Proceed­ings file: Janu­ary 31, 2008

 * Early Regis­tra­tion: Janu­ary 19, 2008

 * Advanced Regis­tra­tion: March 14, 2008 (after this date, regis­tra­tion is on site)

 * Congress dates: March 26 – 28, 2008


* Accep­ted papers will be distrib­uted in a prin­ted copy, published by Europia, Paris (not included with regis­tra­tion rates).

* A digital copy of papers will be distrib­uted in the compli­ment­ary congress DVD.

* Accep­ted papers may be selec­ted for their public­a­tion in a special issue of the Inter­na­tional Journal of Design Sciences and Tech­no­logy (

* Artistic works and demon­stra­tions will be assembled and distrib­uted in a compli­ment­ary DVD and on a dedic­ated FTP server.


CAC’08 Inter­na­tional Chair­man:

Khal­doun ZREIK, Labor­atoire para­graphe, Univer­sity of Paris VIII Vincennes Saint-Denis, France.

Départe­ment Hyper­mé­dia

2 rue de la liberté


Tel: (33) (0)1 49 40 67 58 ou (33) + (0)1 49 40 64 25

Fax: (33) (0)1 49 40 67 83

Mail: zreikatuniv-paris8 [ punto ] fr (zreik[at]univ-paris8[dot]fr)

CAC’08 Local Chair­man:

Ever­ardo Reyes García, ITESM Campus Toluca, Mexico

Anim­a­tion and Digital Art Dept.

Eduardo Monroy 2000. San Anto­nio Buen­vaista.

50110. Toluca, Mexico.

Tel. (52) 72 22 79 99 90 ext. 2215

Fax. (52) 72 22 74 11 78

Mail: ever­ardo [ punto ] reyesatitesm [ punto ] mx (ever­ardo[dot]reyes[at]itesm[dot]mx)

CAC’08 Local Coordin­at­ors:

Adri­ana Facha & Fernando Gutiér­rez, ITESM Campus Estado de México.

Commu­nic­a­tion and Digital Art Dept.

Carretera Lago de Guada­lupe Km. 3.5

52926. Atiza­pán de Zaragoza, Estado de México.

Tel. (55) 5864 5555 ext. 5636

Mail: afachaatitesm [ punto ] mx (afacha[at]itesm[dot]mx)