Call for projects> AVLAB 1.0 Workshop (A/V experimentation)

<Open Call for projects> Inter­na­tional Intens­ive Project Produc­tion Work­shop>


Septem­ber 17 – Octo­ber 1, 2008

Submis­sion Dead­line: July 1, 2008

Direc­ted by Javier Duero. Teach­ers: Fran­cisco López, Hans-Chris­toph Steiner and a third one to be confirmed. Coordin­ated by Daniel González Xavier. Venue: Medi­alab-Prado (Madrid, Spain).

Medi­alab-Prado issues a call for projects on audio/video to be developed within the frame­work of the AVLAB 1.0 work­shop.

Projects can be presen­ted indi­vidu­ally or by groups, and should be related with the follow­ing fields: Sound art, live cinema, computer music, circuit bend­ing, audio/video processing in real time, design of hard­ware-soft­ware applic­a­tions specific­ally for audio/video, docu­ment­a­tion and histor­ical projects, and anthro­po­lo­gical and soci­olo­gical stud­ies.

A maximum of 10 projects to be collab­or­at­ively developed will be selec­ted.

Medi­alab-Prado will cover lodging at a youth hostel in Madrid and flight expenses for the authors of the selec­ted projects.

More inform­a­tion and call guidelines: http://medi­

In collab­or­a­tion with the Center for Contem­por­ary Music Promo­tion (Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contem­poránea) and Exper­i­mentaclub08.

Contact: talleresatmedi­alab-prado [ punto ] es (talleres[at]medi­alab-prado[dot]es)

+34 914 202 754

Nerea García Garmen­dia

Medi­alab Prado

Área de Las Artes, Ayun­tami­ento de Madrid

Plaza de las Letras

Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid

Tfno. +34 914 202 754 difu­sionatmedi­alab-prado [ punto ] es (difu­sion[at]medi­alab-prado[dot]es)
