8th International Filmmor Film Festival on Wheels is Coming!

There is no single theme this year in the fest­ival between march 12 – april 18, there are hope in women, women from vari­ous parts of the world with films find­ing out hope from despair!

8th Filmmor Women’s Film Fest­ival on Wheels with 53 films from 20 coun­tries, discus­sions and panel in İstan­bul, Kars, Sinop and Creteil-Paris is with you…


8th Inter­na­tional Filmmor Women’s Film Fest­ival on Wheel will be present on 12th – 21th March 2010 in Istan­bul at the French Cultural Center, Goethe Insti­tute and Istan­bul Modern, and follow­ing that on 10th – 11th April in Kars, on 17th – 18th April in Sinop. In addi­tion this year, fest­ival will be in France on 31st March – 6th April with collab­or­a­tion through women’s film from Turkey.


The earth had a diffi­cult year. So did Türki­ye… So did women… But the most diffi­cult, what we resent the most, was to be once again mentioned with our tears, our head­scarf, our mater­nity, our empty pots and considered as only body consisted earth’s guests, symbols or crim­in­als of “honour” and “chastity”freed of dream­ing, feel­ing or think­ing… or some­times to be totally forgot­ten. We prepare this year’s fest­ival program in order to remem­ber and to share once again women’s thoughts, feel­ings, exper­i­ences, and partic­u­larly their dreams and hopes.


What’s in the fest­ival? Hope is in Women in 4 halls, 4 cities and 7 parts:

  • Retro­spect­ive of Marleen Gorris,

  • In memory of Carole Rous­sopoulos

  • KIN(Women) Film Fest­ival Special Part

  • Jin, Jiyan, Azadi!

  • Sex, Diversity, Sexu­al­ity

  • 30 Years later, Septem­ber 12th

  • Women in Cinema: Angel or Devil, Inno­cent or Enti­cing, or Nobody!


Beyond films in those parts, there are panel with parti­cip­a­tion of Anneke Smelik, discus­sions with direct­ors… In Istan­bul Even­ing fest­ival with film screen­ings every even­ing and special activ­it­ies, 2nd Golden Okra Awards in the clos­ing of fest­ival… There are hope­full films from 20 coun­tries, hundreds of women, hope from women!

We wish to be together in the fest­ival that we share the program soon…