2nd Call for Submissions - ARTECH 2008


7, 8 Novem­ber: Portuguese Cath­olic Univer­sity – Porto, Portugal http://artes.ucp.pt/artech2008/

Call for Submis­sions

Artech 2008 is the fourth inter­na­tional work­shop held in Portugal and Galicia on the topic of Digital Arts. It aims to promote contacts between Iberian and Inter­na­tional contrib­ut­ors concerned with the concep­tion, produc­tion and dissem­in­a­tion of Digital and Elec­tronic Art. Artech 2008 brings the scientific, tech­no­lo­gical and artistic community together, promot­ing the interest in the digital culture and its inter­sec­tion with art and tech­no­logy as an import­ant research field, a common space for discus­sion, an exchange of exper­i­ences, a forum for emer­ging digital artists and a way of under­stand­ing and appre­ci­at­ing new forms of cultural expres­sion.

Main Topics

Main areas are related with sound, image, video, music, multi­me­dia and other new media related topics, in the context of emer­ging prac­tice of artistic creation.

Although non exclus­ive, the main topics of the confer­ence are:

* Art and Science

* Audio-Visual and Multi­me­dia Design

* Creativ­ity Theory

* Elec­tronic Music

* Gener­at­ive and Algorithmic Art

* Inter­act­ive Systems for Artistic Applic­a­tions

* Media Art history

* Mobile Multi­me­dia

* Net Art and Digital Culture

* New Exper­i­ences with New Media and New Applic­a­tions

* Tangible and Gesture Inter­faces

* Tech­no­logy in Art Educa­tion

* Virtual Real­ity and Augmen­ted Real­ity


Authors are invited to submit:

* A full paper of six to ten pages for oral present­a­tion

* A short paper up to four pages for poster present­a­tions or Art Install­a­tions propos­als Submis­sions are accep­ted in the confer­ence offi­cial languages: English, Portuguese, Galician and Castilian.


Artech 2008 has the format of a confer­ence with tech­nical sessions, invited talks and discus­sion panels as well an expos­i­tion area for install­a­tions. All the contri­bu­tions are subject to a blind peer-review and eval­u­ation by the Inter­na­tional Programme Commit­tee. All papers accep­ted for present­a­tion will be published in a duly registered book (ISBN) and a selec­tion of the best papers will be published in an appro­pri­ate scientific and tech­no­lo­gical academic journal.

Import­ant dates

Full papers submis­sion: 2 June 2008

Install­a­tions propos­als and short papers submis­sion: 9 June 2008 Full papers notice of accept­ance: 7 July 2008 Install­a­tions proposal and short papers notice of accept­ance: 14 July 2008


[CITAR] Research Center for Science and Tech­no­logy of the Arts [http://artes.ucp.pt/citar/] [UCP] Portuguese Cath­olic Univer­sity – Porto, Portugal [http://artes.ucp.pt/] [UM] Minho Univer­sity [http://www.uminho.pt/]

Confer­ence Chair:

António Camurri, DIST-U.Genova (IT)

Scientific Commitee:

Álvaro Barbosa, EA-UCP (PT) – Pres­id­ent

Lola Dopico, FBA-UV (ES) – Vice-Pres­id­ent

Leonel Valbom, DSI-UM (PT) – Vice-Pres­id­ent

Henrique Silva, Bienal de Cerveira (PT) – Vice-Pres­id­ent

Ana Amélia Carvalho, UM (PT)

Antoni Mercader, DEVP-UB (ES)

António Sousa Dias, CICM Paris VIII (FR)

Carlos Guedes, ESMAE-IPP (PT)

Charles A. Wuethrich, Bauhaus U. (DE)

Chris Chafe, CCRMA-Stan­ford (USA)

Christa Sommerer, K.U. Linz (AT)

Daniel Tércio, FMH-UTL (PT)

Diego Dall’Osto, CLMCM (IT)

Fabien Gouyon, INESC-Porto (PT)

Heitor Alvelos, FBA-UP (PT)

Ido Iurgel, CCG (PT)

James Faure-Walker, U. A. Camber­well, (UK)

Jon McCor­mack, Monash U. (AU)

Laura Baigorri, FBA-UB (ES)

Lucia Santaella Braga, PUC-SP (BR)

Manuel Gamito, Shef­field U. (UK)

Marc Cavazza, SC-TU (UK)

Marcelo Wander­lei, U. McGill (CA)

Nelson Zagalo, ICS-UM (PT)

Nuno Correia, DIFCT-UNL (PT)

Pau Alsina, UOC (ES)

Paulo Bern­ardino, DCA-UA (PT)

Paulo Dias, UM (PT)

Paulo Ferreira Lopes, EA-UCP (PT)

Paulo Rodrig­ues, Casa da Música (PT)

Pavel Sedlák, CIANT (CZ)

Pedro Branco, UM (PT)

Pedro Faria Lopes, ISCTE (PT)

Penousal Machado, DEI-UC (PT)

Perla Inno­centi, HATII-U.Glas­gow, (UK)

Roberto Bresin, KTH (SE)

Sandra Paul­eto, U. York (UK)

Seamus Ross, HATII-U.Glas­gow (UK )

Sol Alonso Romera, UV (ES)

Stefan Göbel, ZGDV (DE)

Sefania Serafin, IMI-AAU (DK)

Sudhir Mudur, UC (CA)

Tomás Henriques, FCSH-UNL (PT)