In an era of rapid technological progress, deepfakes have become a concern in digital development. This report is a milestone in an ongoing series that thoroughly examines the ins and outs of deepfake technology, revealing its evolving capabilities and imminent threats.
Through rigorous research, we aim to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge to responsibly navigate the complex world of deepfakes. Our work stems from a comprehensive analysis of 95,820 deepfake videos, 85 dedicated channels across online platforms, and a meticulous review of over 100 websites linked to the deepfake ecosystem.
This 2023 state of deepfakes: realities, threats, and impact review is a powerful tool for fostering awareness of deepfake technology and protecting the masses from its negative effects. Join us as we uncover the layers of the state of deepfakes, revealing realities, highlighting threats, and exploring the technology’s profound impact.
Photo by Kirill Balobanov / Unplash