Feminist Approach to Technology in India launch mailinglist called TechyWomen

Dear Friends,

Greet­ings from Femin­ist Approach to Tech­no­logy (FAT)! > FAT is pleased to announce the form­a­tion of the Techy­Wo­men Community.

Techy­Wo­men is a mail­ing  list for women, created to promote the interests of women in tech­no­logy fields. The list is a humble effort to provide a plat­form for women in tech­no­logy to network with each other, discuss tech­no­logy and support each other.

The Techy­Wo­men mail­ing list aims to serve as a private space for  women in tech­no­logy to seek advice from their peers on any tech­nical issue or personal issue related to their career in tech­nical fields, and discuss the chal­lenges they face as women in tech­no­logy. It is an effort to increase women’s parti­cip­a­tion in tech­no­logy by provid­ing a > support system within women tech­no­lo­gists, both estab­lished and > aspir­ing.

Techy­Wo­men mail­ing list is for women in tech­no­logy in/from India.  This is the first of its kind mail­ing list in India that will serve as  a plat­form for Indian women to discuss anything about tech­no­logy, be it  tech­nical educa­tion, career in tech­no­logy, tech­nical troubleshoot­ing, or about increas­ing women’s parti­cip­a­tion in tech­no­logy.

Why Techy­Wo­men? There are very few women in tech­no­logy around the world. In a devel­op­ing coun­try like India, the number of women in tech­no­logy is  even lesser. Many a times it is seen that even women who had chosen to study tech­nical subjects later on do not pursue a tech­nical career.  While the reason behind it might also be choice, it is usually not so.  In India many women decide to shift to non-tech­nical careers, or  some­times even decide not to persue a career because of confu­sion, lack of proper guid­ance, lack of oppor­tun­ity, or they some­times succumb to > social pres­sure. Women need female role models and ment­ors. The Techy­Wo­men mail­ing list will serve as a medium for Indian women to seek  profes­sional guid­ance from other women in the field. Please note that > the list is only for women in tech­no­logy from/in India.

About FAT: > > Femin­ist > Approach to Tech­no­logy (FAT) is a not-for-profit organ­iz­a­tion based in New Delhi, which is aiming at empower­ing women through tech­no­logy. FAT is commit­ted towards provid­ing women and margin­al­ized section of the soci­ety access to inform­a­tion and tech­no­logy so that they can use it effect­ively to assert their rights.

More specific­ally we will be work­ing: to offer women at all levels of the tech­no­logy industry a wide range of profes­sional devel­op­ment and > network­ing oppor­tun­it­ies to increase women’s parti­cip­a­tion in the tech­nical work force.to advoc­ate use of Inform­a­tion Commu­nic­a­tion Tech­no­logy (ICT) amongst women and show how ICT can be a power­ful tool to exer­cise free­dom of expres­sion, to gain access  to inform­a­tion, and hence to empower­ment.to provide women and  margin­al­ized section of the soci­ety access to tech­no­logy and tech­nical educa­tion whereby boost­ing their confid­ence and devel­op­ing compet­ence.to facil­it­ate devel­op­ment of > the region in general through tech­nical devel­op­ment.

Please visit our website (www.fat-net.org) for details. Thanks you!

With Regards, Gayatri Burago­hain Founder Femin­ist Approach to Tech­no­logy (FAT)