International Conference: 7 and 8 March 2008, Liège Convention Centre (Wallonia)

In French: “Millen­nia 2015, Femmes actrices de dévelop­pe­ment pour les enjeux mondi­aux”

Apart the fact that the confer­ence will hold in a French coun­try, these two languages, English and French, are the two offi­cial languages of the United Nations Asso­ci­ations (WFUNA).

Women: 1908–2008, one century of action On the 8th of March 1908, the premise of the Inter­na­tional Women’s Day was born out of the actions of women work­ers demand­ing suffrage for women, as well as polit­ical, economic and social rights. They also acted against child labor and against the war. The Women’s Day was insti­tuted in 1910 and has been celeb­rated on the 8th of March nearly all over the world ever since, with a recog­ni­tion by the United Nations in 1977 as a “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and Inter­na­tional Peace”.

To commem­or­ate that date and one century of action, the Destree Insti­tute decided to organ­ize, with all its part­ners, an inter­na­tional event: Millen­nia 2015, named as a femin­ine version of the Latin word “millen­nium”. Process Millen­nia is more than a new confer­ence, a new asso­ci­ation or a new network, with new public­a­tions and a new website. Millen­nia will take the best of all those elements to consti­tute a think tank as a new mile­stone to empower women’s entre­pren­eur­ship at large and on a global level.

It is maybe the first inter­na­tional process to work for women’s future with foresight as a tool. Millen­nia will work to gather women exper­i­ence from all over the world, with a vision lead­ing to enable research and devel­op­ment towards 2015 and beyond. We intend to present, during each session, Millen­ni­a’s Memor­andum and decisions to polit­ical, econom­ical and social decision-makers at all levels (local, regional, European and world­wide).