Australia: LinuxChix Womens' mini-conf: Call for Presentations

The premier annual Linux and Open Source confer­ence in Australia,, is once again host­ing a Linux­Chix mini-conf. We are now call­ing for present­a­tions by women on both Free Soft­ware tech­nical topics and other topics of general interest to women involved in Free Soft­ware or work­ing in IT.

About the mini-conf

The second annual Linux­Chix women’s mini-conf will be held on either Monday the 28th or Tues­day the 29th of Janu­ary, 2008 (We don’t know which) at the Univer­sity of Melbourne, as part of the annual Free and Open Source Soft­ware confer­ence running from 28th of Janu­ary to the 2nd of Febru­ary, 2008. All attendees of linux.conf.auThere is no need to be an active member of Linux­Chix, as attendees and\u003cbr /\>speak­ers from other women\'s advocacy and devel­op­ment groups includ­ing\u003cbr /\>Systers, project-specific women\'s groups and others, are encour­aged to\u003cbr /\>parti­cip­ate.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>The mini-conf has both 50 minute and 25 minute talks slots avail­able. We\u003cbr /\>recom­mend that inex­per­i­enced Speak­ers opt for the shorter slots and plan\u003cbr /\>to present for around 15 minutes; the remain­ing time will be devoted to\u003cbr /\>discus­sion. Exper­i­enced speak­ers may choose to opt for a full 50 minute\u003cbr /\>slot, and prepare to talk for 35–40 minutes. We reserve the right to\u003cbr /\>request that 35 minute present­a­tions be shortened to 15 minutes to\u003cbr /\>enable best use of the time we have.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Abstracts for talk propos­als should be submit­ted to\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"miniconf-submis­sionatau [ punto ] linux­chix [ punto ] org (mailto:miniconf-submis­sion[at]au[dot]linux­chix[dot]org)\"\>miniconf-submis­sionatau [ punto ] linuxch (miniconf-submis­sion[at]au[dot]linuxch)\u003cwbr /\>\u003c/a\> by Midnight Sunday, Octo­ber 15,\u003cbr /\>2007.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>There will also be some 10 minute (5 minutes talk, 5 minutes discus­sion)\u003cbr /\>light­ning talk slots avail­able. These slots are ideal for first-time\u003cbr /\>speak­ers or those who want to very quickly show­case a project.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>All talks should be on Free and Open Source Soft­ware related topics.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Please see \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"­\" target\u003d_blank\>­\u003c/a\> for more inform­a­tion about the\u003cbr /\>women\'s mini-confer­ence and \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"­\" target\u003d_blank\>­\u003cwbr /\>/CFP\u003c/a\> for full\u003cbr /\>details of the call for present­a­tions.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Feel free to forward this announce­ment to any women or groups you think\u003cbr /\>would be inter­ested.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>About Linux­Chix\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Linux­Chix is a community for women who like Linux and Free Soft­ware, and\u003cbr /\>", 1]

//—> are welcome to attend the women’s mini-conf, which will high­light and celeb­rate the achieve­ments of women in Free and Open Source Soft­ware.

There is no need to be an active member of Linux­Chix, as attendees and speak­ers from other women’s advocacy and devel­op­ment groups includ­ing Systers, project-specific women’s groups and others, are encour­aged to parti­cip­ate.

The mini-conf has both 50 minute and 25 minute talks slots avail­able. We

recom­mend that inex­per­i­enced Speak­ers opt for the shorter slots and plan to present for around 15 minutes; the remain­ing time will be devoted to discus­sion. Exper­i­enced speak­ers may choose to opt for a full 50 minute slot, and prepare to talk for 35–40 minutes. We reserve the right to request that 35 minute present­a­tions be shortened to 15 minutes to enable best use of the time we have.

Abstracts for talk propos­als should be submit­ted to miniconf-submis­sionatau [ punto ] linux­chix [ punto ] org (miniconf-submis­sion[at]au[dot]linux­chix[dot]org) by Midnight Sunday, Octo­ber 15, 2007.

There will also be some 10 minute (5 minutes talk, 5 minutes discus­sion) light­ning talk slots avail­able. These slots are ideal for first-time speak­ers or those who want to very quickly show­case a project.

All talks should be on Free and Open Source Soft­ware related topics.

Please see­ for more inform­a­tion about the women’s mini-confer­ence and­ for full details of the call for present­a­tions.

Feel free to forward this announce­ment to any women or groups you think would be inter­ested.

About Linux­Chix

ranges from novices to exper­i­enced users, and includes profes­sional and\u003cbr /\>amateur program­mers, system admin­is­trat­ors and tech­nical writers.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>About \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\> (\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\>) is Australia\'s annual tech­nical\u003cbr /\>confer­ence on Free Soft­ware. Fun, informal and seri­ously tech­nical, \u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\> draws together Free and Open Source Soft­ware developers\u003cbr /\>from across the world. It will be held from Janu­ary 28th to Febru­ary\u003cbr /\>2nd, 2008 at The Univer­sity of Melbourne.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>About Linux Australia\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Linux Australia (\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\>) is the peak body for Linux\u003cbr /\>User Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and as such repres­ents\u003cbr /\>approx­im­ately 5000 Australian Linux users and developers. Linux\u003cbr /\>Australia facil­it­ates the organ­isa­tion of this inter­na­tional Free\u003cbr /\>Soft­ware confer­ence in a differ­ent Australasian city each year.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>—\u003cbr /\>Eliza­beth Bevilac­qua\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event, this)\" href\u003d\"http://www.prin­\" target\u003d_blank\>http://www.prin­\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003c/div\>", 1]

//—> Linux­Chix is a community for women who like Linux and Free Soft­ware, and for women and men who want to support women in comput­ing. The member­ship ranges from novices to exper­i­enced users, and includes profes­sional and amateur program­mers, system admin­is­trat­ors and tech­nical writers.

About ( is Australi­a’s annual tech­nical confer­ence on Free Soft­ware. Fun, informal and seri­ously tech­nical, draws together Free and Open Source Soft­ware developers from across the world. It will be held from Janu­ary 28th to Febru­ary 2nd, 2008 at The Univer­sity of Melbourne.

About Linux Australia

Linux Australia ( is the peak body for Linux User Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and as such repres­ents approx­im­ately 5000 Australian Linux users and developers. Linux Australia facil­it­ates the organ­isa­tion of this inter­na­tional Free Soft­ware confer­ence in a differ­ent Australasian city each year.