Community Media Forum Europe 2011 Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 17/19 November 2011

CMFE 2011

1st Confer­ence and General Assembly

Nico­sia, Cyprus

17/19 Novem­ber 2011

hosted by the Cyprus Community Media Centre

The Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) is pleased to announce that its 1st Annual Confer­ence will take place in the United Nations Buffer Zone in Nico­sia, Cyprus, on 17/19 Novem­ber 2011, and will be hosted by the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC).

The plen­ary sessions will focus on the follow­ing themes:

- The state of Community Media in Europe

- Community media, inter­cul­tural dialogue and parti­cip­a­tion

- Towards an enabling envir­on­ment for Community Media in Cyprus

- Oppor­tun­it­ies and chal­lenges for Community Media in Europe: the way ahead

The paral­lel sessions will aim to

- Show­case best prac­tices of CMFE members, both in tradi­tional present­a­tion formats and prac­tice-based work­shops;

- Discuss European Community Media research, policies and prac­tices.

Submis­sions for present­a­tions and full panels are encour­aged, but not limited to

- Best prac­tices of Community Media projects (radio, tv, web, print, cross- plat­form)

- Coun­try-specific and compar­at­ive Community Media Policy stud­ies

- Community Media and the poten­tial for the promo­tion of diversity, multi­cul­tur­al­ism, storytelling and recon­cili­ation

- Community Media in conflict zones, or post-conflict soci­et­ies

- Community Media, plur­al­ism and diversity

- Community Media, access and parti­cip­a­tion

- Community Media and digital broad­cast­ing

- Community Media: social, economic and insti­tu­tional sustain­ab­il­ity

- Qual­it­at­ive and Quant­it­at­ive approaches to audi­ence research in Community Media

- Community Media and Civic Value

- Community Media, Gender and Equal­ity

- Community Media and multi­lin­gual­ism in soci­ety & media

- Community Media, Social Media and web 2.0

Abstracts of 300 words max for papers, panels and prac­tice-based present­a­tions should be submit­ted by e-mail to infoatcmfe [ punto ] eu (info[at]cmfe[dot]eu) no later than 20 Septem­ber 2011. Panel propos­als should include a panel abstract (300 words) along with abstracts for each of the papers.

Accep­ted abstracts will be noti­fied by 7 Octo­ber 2011, with regis­tra­tion to start on 10 Octo­ber 2011.

Further inform­a­tion as loca­tions, direc­tions, sugges­ted accom­mod­a­tion and confer­ence programme will be avail­able on the confer­ence website at:­ence2011

This event is co-organ­ised by the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC), hosted by the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC), and suppor­ted by the European Union under the 'Europe for Citizens Programme 2011' and the United Nations Devel­op­ment Programme, Action for Cooper­a­tion and Trust in Cyprus (UNDP-ACT).

Contact address for inform­a­tion requests: infoatcmfe [ punto ] eu (info[at]cmfe[dot]eu)

The CMFE General Assembly will also take place at the confer­ence premises on the morn­ing of 17 Novem­ber 2011.