queer d.i.y. film fest [CALLOUT FOR SUBMISSIONS ]

Assumpte: Fwd: CALLOUT FOR SUBMIS­SIONS queer d.i.y. film fest

Subject: entza­ubert 2011 CALLOUT FOR SUBMIS­SIONS queer d.i.y. film fest


:::::: dead­line 30. april :::::::

dearest queerests and friends

dont miss the dead­line :)

30. april 20111


[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ für deutsch bitte runter­scrol­len ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

******* hey there queer film­makers! *******

the 5th entza­ubert queer d.i.y. film fest­ival is on the way!

we are ready to receive your submis­sions!

here’s the callout, the entry from and find out more about the fest­ival here

xxxxxxx we are look­ing forward to hear from you !


********C­AL­LOUT FOR SUBMIS­SION­S*******

entza­ubert is a radical queer d.i.y. film fest­ival

happen­ing 7–10 july 2011 at the queer wagen­platz schwar­zer kanal in berlin

we will create a space for queer/femin­ist d.i.y. cinema – you provide the


we are look­ing for movies within or beyond these categor­ies:

arty, punky, no-borders, anarchic, docu­ment­ar­ies, porn, trashy,

exper­i­mental, femin­ist, aids/hiv, funny, crazy, seri­ous, low or no

budget, music, qual­ity, concise, inter­na­tional, homo-social­ist,

homo­sexu­al­ist, people of colour, revolu­tion­ary, polyamor­ous,

mono­gam­ous, lazy, tranny-dyky, faggy, old, brand-new, provoc­at­ive,

diffi­cult, hot, ……we welcome films in any language – multiple

language/subtitles are always appre­ci­ated.

if that’s not possible, submit anyway! we will try to find subtitlers.


up for shar­ing your skills? need a reason to make your first film ?

we plan to organ­ize a couple of work­shops during the fest­ival.

we would like *you* to prepare, moder­ate or host them – or simply

share equip­ment…

This might be film­ing, edit­ing, direct­ing, subtitling, writ­ing,

costumes, make-up, acting, light/sound/camera as well as work­shop


write an email with the subject „work­shop“ with your ideas!

******** CONTACT AND DEAD­LINE *******

dead­line: 30 april 2011

contact: entza­ubert AT gmail DOT com

entry form and more inform­a­tion: entza­ubert.blog­s­port.de

venue: schwar­zerkanal.squat.net