Call for Entries / Mapping Festival 09

"The 5th edition of the Mapping Fest­ival is coming!

The dates are set! From May 8th through the 17th 2009 the Mapping Fest­ival in Geneva, Switzer­land will retain its focus on VJing by high­light­ing one of its most progress­ive forms: taking projec­tion out of enclosed walls and out on to the street.

Facade mapping, trav­el­ling, inter­act­ive and audi­ovisual projec­tions. We are count­ing on you to give life to the streets and build­ings of Geneva!

Along­side this added focus we are open to propos­als for lectures, work­shops, audio visual perform­ances, install­a­tions and club­bing nights that have punc­tu­ated the Mapping in its preced­ing years.

Beware the delays to apply are short: you can send us your applic­a­tions until Janu­ary 26th, 2009 (letter must be post­marked by that date).

You can down­load the applic­a­tion form here: http://www.mapping­fest­­tions/index.html

And we also wish you a happy new year 2009 !"

Mapping Fest­ival
C/O Ultrapepita
Rue de la Muse 3
1205 Genève


Tél: 0041 (0)22 800 16 19
Mobile: 0041 (0)78 910 16 46