DIY Festival - squat "La Papa" - Calle Sagrera 24 Barcelona - 6 desembre

Hi every­body, on saturday 6th decem­ber we are organ­iz­ing together with some span­ish friends the DIY Fest­ival # 3 at the squat “La Papa”(Calle Sagrera 24 Barcel­lona). It will begin at 2 pm on Saturday and will finish on Sunday morn­ing…will be there:  work­shops, stands to the swap/sell of diy produc­tions and from 4 pm will start concerts,djs, live sets, vjs


Is the first time for DIY fest­ival outside of the borders of Neth­er­lands we are very happy…is parti­cip­at­ing a lot of people ofrom Spain Diy projects plus a lot of guests from all around europe(germany, france neth­er­lands,Italy, etc).


I hope to see a lot you there


 …spread the info …






DIY network

Nuevas tecno­lo­gias Open source y Linux Unix

Foto­grafia  camera oscura)   



La favela (Barcelona)

Radiore­s­it­ence xxx (Roma-Amster­dam)

Brain­storm­lab netla­bel (Londres)

MOMbookazine (Barcelona)

Intoxic netla­bel (Barcelona)

La Parada (Madrid)

Yaya 23 Records  (berlin)

Escen­ario 1


Concier­tos y live perform­ance

Sound Hip Hop / D&B:

Damir San (HH, Barcelona)

Soul a Sassi (HH, Roma-Barcelona. Pamplona)

Izhar Agonyas (HH, Barcelona)

Robba Forte (HH, Roma)

Dekape (HH, Pamplona)

Ncrisis (HH, Pamplona)

Arrapno­fo­bia (HH, Pamplona)

Dj Orbital (HH/Funk Bologna)

Dj Grokel aka Nica­nasta (HH/Funk Barcelona)

Dj Riam (D&B Barcelona)

Bolax (D&B Barcelona)

D&B Family (D&B Barcelona)

Master­maind (D&B Roma)

Escen­ario 2


 Elec­tron­ica / Tekno:


Jfrank    BRAIN­STORM (Elec­tron­ica, London)

Ralp      NO EFFECTS (Elec­tron­ica, Barcelona

Iqbit     Brain­storm (Elec­tron­ica, barcelona)

Sytrjv    BRAIN­STORM (Elec­tron­ica, Roma)

Dj Dende  ILLEGAL SOUND RESIST­ANCE(break­beat, Marseille)

DEKA      RAdiores­ist­ance xxx(break­beat, Roma)

Giallekka RAdiores­ist­ance xxx(rock beat, Amster­dam)

Valerio M (Elec­tro techno, Roma)

Decoder (Techno, Roma)

Dj Nestor (Tekno, Barcelona)

Krdr (Hardtekno-Tribe, Barcelona)

Dj Riki (Hardtekno, Barcelona)

Hypnotik Contact ILLEGAL SOUND RESIST­ANCE(tekno hard­core Marseille)

Tlk feat Bronx (Hardtekno, Barcelona-Roma)



Aira (Roma)

Oginoknauss (Alemania)

CODEC (Barcelona)

camaradeojo (Barcelona)

e_t_in_bcn (barcelona)

Lemma (Roma)

xx+xy visu­als (Roma)