The 7th European Feminist Research Conference "Gendered Cultures"

The confer­ence is a trien­nial event organ­ized by the Gender Stud­ies Programme (Utrecht Univer­sity), AOIFE and ATHENA. Previ­ous European Femin­ist Research Confer­ences were held at the univer­sit­ies of: Aalborg (1991), Graz (1994), Coim­bra (1997), Bologna (2000), Lund (2003) and Lódz (2006).
The 7th European Femin­ist Research Confer­ence focuses on a wide but well-defined range of themes:

Imagin­a­tion: Art & Polit­ics 

Femin­ism in Post-Secu­lar Europe

Global Connec­tions: Migra­tion, Consump­tion & Polit­ics

Sexu­al­ity: Public, Private and Beyond

War & Viol­ence 
Media and Tech­no­logy: The Polit­ics of Repres­ent­a­tion [or: The Polit­ics of Know­ledge and Imagin­a­tion?]

Multi-Ethnic Europe: Iden­tit­ies, Bound­ar­ies & Communit­ies

Stor­ies to Tell: Fiction, History & Memory

Women’s Move­ments of Past, Present & Future: Gener­a­tions in Femin­ism 

Cultures of Know­ledge: the Sciences, Human­it­ies & Gender

Social Economic Europe  
Aims: The confer­ence will be a forum for gender research­ers to facil­it­ate network­ing between them; and to integ­rate doctoral students and young research­ers into the field   
Parti­cipants: The confer­ence invites experts, estab­lished schol­ars and young research­ers, policy makers from all member states of the EU, candid­ate coun­tries, asso­ci­ate coun­tries and third coun­tries.
Network­ing: The confer­ence sched­ule provides time for planned and spon­tan­eous network­ing. Time will be avail­able for Women’s/Gender Stud­ies network meet­ings, scientific journal meet­ings, research group meet­ings, roundtable discus­sions and other meet­ings. Addi­tion­ally, policy experts in equal­ity, educa­tion and research policy will be invited to the confer­ence and will meet with parti­cipants from vari­ous networks as part of an effort to strengthen ties between policy makers and research­ers in the field.