IWFF08: looking for cinematic tales of wanderingwondering wonderful women



The Inter­na­tional Women’s Film Fest­ival (IWFF) hosted by the Univer­sity of the Phil­ip­pines Film Insti­tute (UPFI) is an annual exhib­i­tion of films by and about women—the one and only running women’s film fest­ival of is kind in the Phil­ip­pines held during Women’s Month.  It aims to high­light the import­ance of rais­ing women’s conscious­ness, promot­ing women’s rights and empower­ment primar­ily through cinema.

To give an added venue for women film­makers to exhibit their works, UPFI is launch­ing the Third IWFF Short Film compet­i­tion.  The compet­i­tion is open to local and inter­na­tional women film­makers. However, in the spirit of inclus­ive­ness and open­ness, this year’s compet­i­tion will accept entries from indi­vidu­als who may not be female at birth (such as trans­genders and inter­sexed people) but who identify as women.

The IWFF Fest­ival Commit­tee would like to invite women film­makers from all over the world to be part of this event by submit­ting their works. All genres are accep­ted. There is no entry fee to join this compet­i­tion. Success­ful entries will be exhib­ited at the fest­ival. Trophies and prizes will be given away to the best works.

The follow­ing are the complete guidelines for the compet­i­tion:

1.  The Inter­na­tional Women’s Film Fest­ival Short Film and Video Compet­i­tion is open to all women and women-iden­ti­fied film­makers, video makers and multi­me­dia artists from all over the world. Submis­sions from indi­vidu­als, groups or organ­iz­a­tions are welcome as long as the primary film­makers are women. Students and young film­makers are highly encour­aged to parti­cip­ate.

2.  Entries must have been completed no earlier than Janu­ary 1, 2007. Works should reflect this year’s fest­ival theme of “Wander­ing Wonder­ing Wonder­ful Women.”

3.  Works could be in any language, but they should have English subtitles. Entries without subtitles will not be accep­ted.

4.  Entries can belong to any genre/categor­ies such as narrat­ive, docu­ment­ary, anim­a­tion, exper­i­mental or multi-media. Works can also be of mixed genres.

5.  The running time of entries must not exceed 30 minutes.

6.  We will accept preview DVD and Mini-DV copies in NTSC format only.  However, works could have origin­ated in any of the follow­ing formats:

—Any Film format (35mm, 16mm, 8mm)

—Any Video NTSC/PAL-SECAM format (HD, DVD, S-VHS, Mini-DV etc.)

—Any multi-media/new media device/s or using vari­ous inform­a­tion and commu­nic­a­tion tech­no­logy (ICT) tools or soft­ware/hard­ware  (e.g. computer-gener­ated vector/fractal images, flash anim­a­tion, etc.)

7.   When selec­ted for the compet­i­tion, the preview copies will already serve as the exhib­i­tion copies.  Film­makers will be contac­ted to submit clearer (possibly NTSC DVD) versions only if their preview copies are found to be defect­ive and hence unsuit­able for large-screen projec­tion.

8.  Submit­ted works will not be returned to applic­ants and they will auto­mat­ic­ally become part of the UPFI IWFF archives.  In this regard, please do not send your original works or master tapes/copies.

9.  The cost of ship­ping and hand­ling the submis­sions should be shouldered by the sender. When send­ing the pack­age, please declare in the mail that contents have “No Commer­cial Value” or “For non-commer­cial/fest­ival purposes only.” The IWFF organ­izers will not shoulder any taxes, custom dues/duties/fees, deliv­ery fees or any in-transit insur­ance in receiv­ing the entries nor will they be held respons­ible for damage inflic­ted upon the pack­ages result­ing from the process of mail­ing.

10.  All works must strictly be inde­pend­ent works and not produced for commer­cial purposes. Commis­sioned works are not allowed.

11.  For submis­sions of several entries in one pack­age, each entry must be prop­erly labeled with the follow­ing:

   —  Title of Entry (original title/English trans­la­tion of title)

   —  Category

   —  Name of Parti­cipant/Place and Coun­try of origin

   —  Running Time

12.   All entries must be submit­ted with the follow­ing mater­i­als:

- Duly accom­plished applic­a­tion form

- Two (2) produc­tion stills for each entry (as prin­ted out in 3×5 or 5×7 inches or scanned JPEG files with at least 300dpi resol­u­tion or higher stored in a CD)

- One-page synop­sis of the entry in English

- Short profile of the film­maker/s in English (brief biography, sample filmo­graphy)

- promo­tional write-ups or published reviews in English (or if trans­lated in English, please indic­ate public­a­tion source), if any



The follow­ing inform­a­tion can be copied, prin­ted and filled out by the entrants to serve as the Applic­a­tion Form (please have one separ­ate copy for each entry):

IWFF 2008



Entry Details

Title of entry (original and English):


Coun­try of origin:

Running time (Length in minutes):

Year of comple­tion:


Origin­at­ing format:

Submis­sion format:

Color/Black and White:


Repres­ent­at­ive of the produc­tion/contact person:

Mail­ing address:

Tele­phone number:

Fax number:

Mobile number:



Produc­tion cred­its






Produc­tion designer:


Other notable cred­its:

Has the work been shown theat­ric­ally?

If yes, where?

Has it aired on tele­vi­sion?

If yes, where and in what context (as part of a program, as special feature, etc.)?

Has it been broad­cast on the inter­net or publicly exhib­ited some­where?

If yes, where and in what context?

Fest­ival/s where the work was previ­ously entered:

Previ­ous award/s received by the work:



13.   The entries should reach the IWFF organ­izers by Febru­ary 18, 2008. Please address entries to:

    IWFF 2008

    Ms. Libay Linsan­gan Cantor

    Compet­i­tion curator

     c/o UP Film Insti­tute (Academic Divi­sion)

     College of Mass Commu­nic­a­tion

     Plar­idel Hall Annex Build­ing

     Ylanan Road

     Univer­sity of the Phil­ip­pines

     Dili­man Campus

     Dili­man, Quezon City

     PHIL­IP­PINES 1104

Tele­fax: (632) 920–6863

 Email: upfi [ punto ] academicatgmail [ punto ] com (upfi[dot]academic[at]gmail[dot]com)

14.    The submis­sions will be pre-screened by a panel composed of the members of the IWFF organ­iz­ing commit­tee. Short­l­is­ted works will then be screened by an offi­cial Board of Judges composed of notable women media prac­ti­tion­ers and women’s rights advoc­ates in the Phil­ip­pines.  The compos­i­tion of the Board of Judges will be revealed during the fest­ival cere­mon­ies. The best works from all the entries will be selec­ted by them.

15.   All short­l­is­ted entries will be screened during the dura­tion of the fest­ival (March 2008) at the UP Film Insti­tute Cine Adarna theater. The winners will be announced during the award­ing cere­mony sched­uled during the last day of the fest­ival. Winners will be noti­fied by tele­phone or email. The process of pick­ing up/deliv­ery of the prizes will be discussed indi­vidu­ally with each winner to assess the most feas­ible mode of trans­ac­tion.

16.    Awards for the winning entries shall be given to the film­maker or video director indic­ated in the entry form. For joint direct­orial works, the group must assign a single repres­ent­at­ive to act on its behalf. All offi­cial commu­nic­a­tions shall be addressed to this repres­ent­at­ive. The

organ­izers shall not be held liable for any contro­versy regard­ing the shar­ing of awards among the members of the group.

17.    The organ­izers of the Inter­na­tional Women’s Film Fest­ival reserve the right to dub/copy to any format the winning works for archival and promo­tional purposes.


* * *

UPFI is the only Phil­ip­pine film­mak­ing insti­tu­tion that is an accred­ited member of the CILECT inter­na­tional network of film schools.  Free of any censor­ship, films are exhib­ited at a lesser price than normal commer­cial cinemas. UPFI is also the only insti­tu­tion in the coun­try that offers a bach­el­or’s degree course in film­mak­ing, honing both the theor­et­ical capab­il­ity and prac­tical tech­no­lo­gical skills and talents of a respons­ible and people-oriented future film­maker.