Call for Contributions to My Story: Gendered Access around the World Exhibition at Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) 2015

*** Call for Contri­bu­tions to My Story: Gendered Access around the World Exhib­i­tion at Stock­holm Inter­net Forum (SIF) 2015 ***
Submis­sion dead­line: 30 Septem­ber 2015

This year’s Stock­holm Inter­net Forum (SIF) 21 to 22nd Octo­ber 2015, Stock­holm Sweden, is the fourth forum in the series. It takes place after two days of Pre-SIF events Octo­ber 19 to 20th hosted by Sida.
The theme will be ‘A Multi-Dimen­sional Approach to “Access”’. The
aspects of access will be covered through discus­sions of issues
related to economy, social networks, tech­no­logy, policy and human
rights – with a special emphasis on gender equal­ity.

The My Story: Gendered Access around the World Exhib­i­tion which is based on the notion that storytelling is a power­ful as well as
empower­ing act is co-facil­it­ated by Sida, NewZam­bian, Asik­ana Network, GRACE Network, Free Press Unlim­ited, Akir­aChix and WOUGNET.

This exhib­i­tion aims to source narrat­ives that exem­pli­fies both the empower­ing poten­tial of the Inter­net, and also the “dark side” of ICTs includ­ing the many constraints that exist in gain­ing access to, and effi­ciently util­iz­ing, the Inter­net. Each compon­ent of the exhib­i­tion tells unique stor­ies which are tied together by the fact that they all high­light narrat­ives of how ICTs relate to aspects of gender, both in posit­ive and negat­ive ways.

The exhib­i­tion presents a unique oppor­tun­ity for local narrat­ives to be fed into the over­all confer­ence dialogue in Pre-SIF and Main SIF events.

This is an open call for contri­bu­tions to the My Story: Gendered
Access around the World Exhib­i­tion at Stock­holm Inter­net Forum. Please confirm your interest in parti­cip­at­ing as soon as possible by send­ing an email stat­ing which of the format(s) you will be using, your coun­try, and a short descrip­tion of your sub-themes, to hanna [ punto ] mccar­rickatgov [ punto ] se (hanna[dot]mccar­rick[at]gov[dot]se).

Dead­line for send­ing in exhib­i­tion mater­ial to hanna [ punto ] mccar­rickatgov [ punto ] se (hanna[dot]mccar­rick[at]gov[dot]se) is Septem­ber 30th. Note that you do not have to send the full mater­ial as an attach­ment; it is accept­able to send links to e.g. uploaded videos on YouTube.

For your further inform­a­tion, kindly find attached a more elab­or­ate discus­sion on the gender focus of SIF 2015. It is developed by APC ourselves! Let’s use the exhib­i­tion to show­case more of what we do in this space.

Look­ing forward to your active parti­cip­a­tion!

